Hi and thanks for visiting my blog. Generally this blog will be about real estate. Specifically it will be from my perspective as a REALTOR / Associate Broker and about the region in Virginia known as Hampton Roads with a specific focus on the Peninsula. Real estate is very area specific and although much will be the same no matter where you live customs, common practices and law vary greatly from area to area and state to state. I don't claim to know a lot about your neck of the woods... unless you're here on the Peninsula. In which case I do make that claim.
I'm going to write about many different real estate related topics. I am not an accountant, lawyer, home inspector, environmental specialist, ect. ect. Although I may write about topics that these professionals are experts in, I am not one and my views are only my somewhat educated opinion on the topic. I encourage you to consult them and verify information you may read here because it's certainly not guaranteed.
If you have questions you would like me to answer or ideas for articles, don't hesitate to contact me or leave a comment.